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Crowd demanding greater equality through diversity
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February 18, 2022
Diversity and Inclusion Survey Questions for Employees

From rewards and recognition to professional development opportunities and leadership from senior managers, there are many things that can influence t...

Employee engagement in action with team bonding exercise
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February 9, 2022
Employee Engagement Action Plan Ideas

When it comes to business success your staff are one of your most crucial assets. Not only through the knowledge and ideas they bring, but in how well...

Thinking about using the right questions for your survey.
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February 1, 2022
Leading Questions in Surveys

Bias can occur quite frequently in our everyday lives. And we are often the instigators, using bias to turn a situation in our favour. Social desirabi...

Workstation set up for home working
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January 27, 2022
Working From Home Survey Questions

When the Covid pandemic first emerged in early 2020, the world changed dramatically. None more so than the world of work. Organisations with office-ba...

Clock indicating the best time to send a survey
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January 19, 2022
The Best Time to Send a Survey

Having done everything to perfect your survey, you’ll want to achieve the best possible response rate after sending it.

Individual starting their customer onboarding process
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January 14, 2022
What is Customer Onboarding?

When it comes to relationships, we all know the importance of creating a great first impression. Just consider all the people you’ve ever met and how...

Putting together pilot test questionnaire
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December 24, 2021
Pilot Testing Questionnaires

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve previously built lots of questionnaires, or you’re working on your very first one. You’ll want to maximise its engage...

Participant signing their consent to take part in study
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December 17, 2021
What is Informed Consent?

Whether as a result of our participation in a research study, or as a health or social care patient. No matter what walk of life we’ve come from, most...

Woman offers her satisfaction feedback.
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December 13, 2021
Creative Ways to Collect Feedback

When it comes to feedback, we all consciously and subconsciously collect it from others daily. It’s why we adapt our behaviour depending on the situat...

Working together to get single customer view
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December 7, 2021
Single Customer View

In today’s digital age organisations have more information about us than ever before. They are also continually looking for new ways of gathering more...

Young man exploring polls and surveys for his next questionnaire
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November 30, 2021
Poll vs Survey: Difference and Uses

From the difference between surveys and questionnaires, to the variations that exist between surveys and online forms. When it comes to feedback and t...

Manager talking new recruits through induction programme
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November 23, 2021
Employee Onboarding: How to Get it Right

When it comes to your company assets, staff are among your most valuable, as having the right employees, knowledge and abilities in place, can be the...

Smiley face showing a great customer experience
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November 4, 2021
Omnichannel vs Multichannel: Why It Matters for CX Surveys

While many of us will be familiar with the term customer experience (CX) and its importance to driving brand loyalty and revenue, our understanding of...

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October 12, 2021
One Question Surveys

Whatever survey you create, you’ll want to achieve as high a survey response rate as you can, as this will increase the reliability of your data and w...

Person creating an email subject survey line
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September 20, 2021
Survey Email Subject Lines

When it comes to survey distribution methods, email is still up there as one of the most popular ways to get your survey out. This is especially true...

Location for survey presentation
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September 1, 2021
How to Present Survey Results

Having worked hard on your survey design and achieved some great results, you’ll want to maximise their value with those who matter.

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August 18, 2021
Getting the Most Out Of Your Reporting and Analysis Features

Whatever size, or type of organisation you are, having an improved understanding of your stakeholder audience has never been more critical to your suc...

Helping customer loyalty with good customer service
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July 28, 2021
Measuring Customer Loyalty

Wouldn’t it be great if after making their first purchase, more of these same customers kept returning to your business?

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July 20, 2021
Developing a More Human Approach to Customer Support

With today’s ever more competitive marketplace, it’s no longer enough for businesses to rely solely on product quality and the right price to stay com...

Professionals carrying out competitive analysis
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July 8, 2021
What is Competitive Analysis?

When it comes to business none of us operates in a vacuum.

Young man thinks about questions to include in an application survey for a job vacancy.
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June 25, 2021
Application Form Questions

Having looked at the advantages of application forms in recruitment, in the first part of our exploration into this topic, we’ll now take a more detai...

Young lady filling out online application form
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June 23, 2021
Advantages of Application Forms in Recruitment

Given the increasing competitiveness of the recruitment industry and statistics, which reveal that 46% of recruiters are struggling to attract top tal...

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June 17, 2021
Examining the Importance of High Contrast Accessibility in Accommodating Low Vision Users

As an organisation, we’ve been working hard on accessibility issues. And although we still have some way to go, we’re fully committed to ensuring our...

A survey taker keeping his identity anonymous.
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June 7, 2021
The Benefits of Anonymous Surveys

Having taken the time to create the perfect engaging survey, got your distribution methods ready and your team prepared to collect and analyse your re...

Social desirability bias is common during interactions with new people.
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May 28, 2021
How to Reduce Social Desirability Bias

Many of us can probably relate to the following situation. When we’re in new or unfamiliar social surroundings, we will often mask our true selves and...

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May 19, 2021
Watch: Discussing Accessible Survey and Chart Design

For Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2021 our accessibility consultant, Katherine Moonan, invited colour blind football commentator, Cameron...

Undertaking a training needs analysis
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May 11, 2021
How to Identify Training Needs

When you consider that employees are typically the biggest contributors to a company’s overall profits and worth, it’s not hard to appreciate why the...

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May 7, 2021
SmartSurvey Named Front Runner for Forms Automation Software

We’re delighted to be recognised in a new Gartner Digital Markets report, FrontRunners* Forms Automation Software, available through leading software...

Employee answering pulse survey questions.
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May 4, 2021
Pulse Survey Questions that Deliver

Having provided a solid introduction to what is a pulse survey and how it can be used to support employee engagement, in the first part of our investi...

What is a pulse survey?
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April 26, 2021
What is a Pulse Survey?

From your business plan, capital and inventory to your products, services and employees. When it comes to your business there are some elements that c...

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April 21, 2021
Feature Update - Managing Your Response Data

Up to now, when you’ve needed to remove data from a survey that you want to keep, you’ve had two options- clearing all the data, or deleting individua...

Staff member arrives dressed for their onboarding day.
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April 19, 2021
Onboarding Questions for New Hires

When you consider that as many as one in every five new hires are unlikely to recommend their employer, it highlights the importance of creating the r...

Evaluating a live event
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April 15, 2021
Event Evaluation Methods

When you consider the time and effort that goes into organising an event, you’ll want to know that yours has been totally worthwhile, not only for you...

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