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Desk research ready for longitudinal study
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November 4, 2022
What Is a Longitudinal Study?

When it comes to conducting surveys, generally you’ll be looking to get a snapshot view of the feelings of a group of people at single point in time.

Man in deep thought about choosing the right survey platform
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November 3, 2022
How To Choose an Online Survey Provider

Whether you’re a student or micro business, an SME or a much larger sized organisation. There’s lots of reasons why you might want to conduct a survey...

Customer service team working to deliver a great customer experience
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October 28, 2022
How To Measure Customer Service

Nearly every business wants to be known for providing a great customer service. Not only does this make you feel good, but it can be a great different...

Trying to think of qualifying questions to use
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October 27, 2022
Qualifying Questions: Use Cases and Examples

If you’re to maximise the validity of your survey data and gain reliable feedback with which to take decisive actions, you need to ensure the right ca...

Happy employee celebrates his success with another colleague
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October 25, 2022
How To Measure Employee Satisfaction

Every business strives to build a thriving workplace with contented teams and staff, yet many employees are unhappy. In fact, in one of the UK’s large...

Customer leaves feedback at kiosk survey stand
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October 21, 2022
Examining Kiosk Surveys and When to Use Them

Whether it’s customers leaving your store or restaurant, or those using public services such as hospitals, trains, buses, leisure services and more. W...

A survey invite arrives in a recipients mail inbox
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October 21, 2022
The Survey Invitation: How to Get It Right

Having the taken the time to carefully prepare your survey and craft some compelling questions, you’ll want to achieve the best possible response to i...

Female customer leaving feedback
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October 19, 2022
How To Ask for Feedback from Customers

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. So, it pays to keep them happy.

A random population sample that you may decide to survey
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October 7, 2022
How to Reduce Bias in Surveys

When it comes to your survey, you’ll want to do everything you can to avoid bias, which can result in inaccurate or unrepresentative data.

Man losing focus working through a long survey
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October 6, 2022
Survey Fatigue and How to Avoid It

Alarmed about a recent drop in your survey’s response rates? Worried how this might affect the quality of your data and the insight you’re able to gle...

Feedback's the key to managing customer expectations
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September 30, 2022
How To Manage Customer Expectations

Given how important customers are to your business success, being able to understand and manage their expectations is crucial.

Getting ready to manually calculate a survey sample size
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September 28, 2022
Determining Sample Size

When it comes to your survey it’s nearly always impossible, or at least impractical, to collect data from all the people or items that you’re interest...

Checking to see the best time to send your survey
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September 23, 2022
When To Send NPS Surveys

If you’re to maximise your engagement with recipients and optimise your response rates, knowing when to send a survey can have major impact on how suc...

Lots of survey questions to answer
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September 15, 2022
Good Survey Questions: Tips and Examples

Whether you’re trying to better understand your customers, or better engage with your employees. Whatever you’re trying to achieve with your online qu...

Man writing out his survey questions
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September 9, 2022
Survey Errors: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to writing your survey, at first thought it may seem a relatively simple task. However, without proper forethought and planning you coul...

People completing an online survey
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September 8, 2022
Improving Survey Response Rates

Whatever rationale you have for conducting your survey, you’ll want to achieve as healthy a response rate as you can. The reason for this is that if i...

A smiley face emoji survey answer option
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August 11, 2022
How Smiley Face Surveys Boost Response Rates

When you consider that a growing number of online surveys are already completed on mobile, and emojis and smileys are sent in their billions every day...

Healthcare professional asking patient survey questions
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August 8, 2022
How To Measure Patient Engagement 

From public to private healthcare organisations. When it comes to the nation’s health, healthcare organisations are working extremely hard to achieve...

Balloons depict happy customers
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August 2, 2022
Customer Satisfaction Metrics

With statistics demonstrating that for every customer complaint you receive, there are another 26 who are unhappy but choose to remain silent, the lik...

Man working remotely overseas
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July 27, 2022
The Future Of Remote Working

Given the chaos caused by the Covid 19 pandemic over the last two and half years and ongoing uncertainty about future variants, it’s difficult to pred...

Staff member write their resignation letter
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July 25, 2022
How To Manage The Great Resignation

With almost a fifth of the UK workforce admitting they intend to leave their current job for a new one in the next 12 months, the Great Resignation sh...

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July 11, 2022
Why Employee Experience Matters

When it comes to experiences and how they help shape future behaviour, there are similarities between consumers and employees.

Employee voluntarily putting in extra hours at work
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June 28, 2022
Discretionary Effort In The Workplace

Whether a customer or colleague, or maybe a friend or family member. I’m sure you can all recall times when you went the extra mile for someone and yo...

Emojis depicting satisfied customers
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June 20, 2022
How Do We Measure Customer Experience? 

Given the state of today’s marketplace where customers and not sellers have all the power, keeping your customers loyal and content is crucial.

Man using best practice advice to plan his next survey
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June 10, 2022
Survey Best Practices

From the initial design of your survey and question choice, to your survey distribution and reporting of results.

Transactional experience in motion as man tries to pay with app on smartphone
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May 30, 2022
Transactional NPS vs Relationship NPS

When it comes to business success, one of the most important aspects is your relationship with your customers. If that relationship is good, they’re h...

Team working on a customer experience strategy
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May 17, 2022
How To Develop A Customer Experience Strategy

Having got to grips with what a CX strategy is in the first part of our CX exploration, including how to measure customer experience, why it matters a...

Staff working together on a CX strategy
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May 5, 2022
What Is A Customer Experience Strategy?

From product differentiation and pricing strategies to cross selling, improving customer service and more. There are many strategies businesses can em...

Another satisfied customer
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April 29, 2022
Why Measure Customer Satisfaction? 

To answer this question, you need to get back to basics and think about what’s most important to your business. And this begins with your customers.

Research team monitors real time responses from a consumer panel
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April 12, 2022
What Is A Consumer Panel?

Whether you’re trying to launch a new product or reposition your brand, or better assess consumer opinion and buying behaviour. No matter what sort of...

Supporting marketing activities with surveys
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March 30, 2022
Surveys In Marketing

For your business to be successful, there’s no substitute for getting to know your audience and their wants and desires.

Showing we use the tools to improve our customer experience
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March 15, 2022
What Is Net Promoter Score?

Keeping customers satisfied and loyal is a key aim for businesses everywhere. The belief being the more satisfied and loyal they are, the greater your...

Visualising the touchpoints in your customer's journey with you
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March 8, 2022
What Are Customer Touchpoints?

No matter what type of business, or industry you operate in, your customers will typically go through a series of steps and interactions during their...

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