35 Illuminating Workshop Feedback Questions

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September 5, 2023
Participants engage in a workshop training session, with brainstorming materials laid out on a work surface.

Gauging the efficacy of a training workshop isn't just a matter of getting through the material and hoping for the best. To truly understand the workshop's impact and spot opportunities for enhancement, feedback is invaluable. A well-crafted training survey can provide the sort of actionable insights that lead to meaningful improvements.

A thoughtfully designed survey can unearth not only what went well but also what needs to be recalibrated for future iterations. This page sheds light on the essential areas to focus on and offers a comprehensive list of example questions to consider for your next workshop feedback survey. By incorporating questions that span the key areas outlined here - objectives, content, facilitator, participant interaction, materials, logistics, and overall experience - you can gather a holistic view of the participant experience, arming you with the data you need to refine, revamp, and ultimately excel in delivering workshops.

Example workshop feedback questions

Workshop objectives

1. Did the workshop meet your initial expectations?

2. Were the objectives of the workshop clearly defined and communicated?

3. To what extent do you feel the workshop objectives were achieved?

4. Would you say the workshop was more theoretical or practical?

Workshop content

5. Was the content of the workshop relevant to your professional responsibilities or learning goals?

6. Was the information presented easy to understand?

7. Do you feel the topics covered were new and insightful?

8. Were any critical topics left uncovered?

9. Did the workshop have a good balance of theory and practice?

Workshop facilitator

10. Was the facilitator knowledgeable about the topic?

11. How well did the facilitator respond to questions or concerns?

12. Did the facilitator effectively engage the audience?

13. Did the facilitator make effective use of real-world examples?

14. Was the facilitator's pace too slow, too fast, or just right?

Participant interaction

15. Were you encouraged to engage and interact during the workshop?

16. Did you have the opportunity to network with other participants?

17. Was group collaboration fostered effectively?

18. Was adequate time given for Q&A?

19. Did you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts during the workshop?

Workshop materials

20. Were the workshop materials easy to follow?

21. Did the materials aid your understanding of the topic?

22. Were digital resources like slides and handouts readily accessible?

23. Were any supplemental materials (like articles or videos) useful?

24. Did you encounter any technical issues with the workshop's digital resources?

Workshop logistics

25. Was the workshop length appropriate?

26. Were the venue and its facilities up to standard?

27. Was the timing of the workshop convenient for you?

28. Was the room temperature comfortable?

29. Were any refreshments provided and were they satisfactory?

Overall experience

30. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the workshop?

31. What was the most valuable part of the workshop for you?

32. Are there any improvements you would suggest for future workshops?

33. Would you recommend this workshop to a colleague?

34. Would you be interested in a follow-up or advanced workshop on the same topic?

35. Did the workshop offer good value for the time and money invested?

Use our workshop survey template

Use our workshop feedback template to get started quickly. Populated with a sample of 13 common survey questions, it can be used as is or adapted to your needs.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.


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