30 Actionable Training Effectiveness Survey Questions

Last updated on
October 19, 2023
Trainees participate in an employee training session

Measuring how well training meets its objectives helps in fine-tuning the curriculum going forward, and optimises the overall learning experience. The 30 example questions shown below should serve as a useful guide for crafting an insightful training effectiveness survey. We delve into six key areas: learning objectives and content relevance, trainer effectiveness, training materials and resources, participant engagement, skills and knowledge acquisition, and post-training application and impact.

Targeting these in your research can provide a balanced way to collect insights from participants, helping you to shed light across the training programme as a whole. By making your survey as probing as it is practical, you can let the feedback guide your next steps. Good luck.

Example training effectiveness questions

Learning objectives and content relevance

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how clearly were the learning objectives stated?

2. Did the training cover all the topics you expected it to?

3. How pertinent was the training content to your daily tasks?

4. Did the training provide insights that were new to you?

5. How well did the training align with your personal development goals?

Trainer effectiveness

6. Was the trainer knowledgeable about the subject matter?

7. Did the trainer answer your questions to your satisfaction?

8. How would you rate the trainer's ability to engage the audience?

9. Did the trainer make effective use of examples or case studies?

10. Was the pace of the training suitable for you?

Training materials and resources

11. Were the training handouts helpful and easy to understand?

12. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the quality of the presentation slides?

13. Did the training provide additional resources for further study?

14. Were any online materials or platforms used user-friendly?

15. Was there enough time allocated for studying the training materials?

Participant engagement

16. Did the training include interactive activities?

17. How comfortable did you feel asking questions or participating in discussions?

18. Did the training maintain your interest from beginning to end?

19. Were you satisfied with the group dynamics during interactive sessions?

20. Did the training environment facilitate learning?

Skills and knowledge acquisition

21. Do you feel you've gained the intended skills from this training?

22. How much more confident do you feel in performing the tasks trained for?

23. Were any assessments or quizzes helpful in gauging your understanding?

24. Did you find the pre- and post-training assessments to be fair?

25. How practical do you find the skills learned?

Post-training application and impact

26. Have you successfully applied any skills learned from the training to your job?

27. What barriers, if any, have you encountered in applying the new skills?

28. Would you recommend this training to your colleagues?

29. Have you seen any measurable improvements in your work since the training?

30. How long after taking part in the training did you to start to apply the learning?

Use our training effectiveness survey template

Get up and running quickly with our sample training feedback survey. Pre-populated with 12 example questions, it can be used as presented or edited to meet your needs. Or alternatively, browse our collection of training questionnaire templates.

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