Tips For Choosing The Right Time To Administer Questionnaires

Philip Cleave
August 9, 2013

The most common way of losing customers is by ignoring them. Questionnaires are a great way of letting your customers and partners know that you are addressing them at a personal level. However, it is critical to ensure that you get the whole process of preparing and administering questionnaires right.

This can be achieved by telling them how many questions are in the questionnaire, how long it will take to respond and most importantly what your privacy policy is. Once you have fully prepared your questions, the most vital part is determining what the right time is to administer questionnaires.

Questionnaires are a great means of collecting data that help investigate various aspects of an organisation. These include:

  • Benefits of choosing the correct time for administering questionnaires
  • Maximum effectiveness will undoubtedly be achieved.
  • When conducted at the right time, the questionnaires are bound to generate a large number of responses.

Therefore, it is clear that the timing of questionnaires is directly linked to the response rates. The best time to administer questionnaires is when people are most likely to notice the questionnaires and also when they have ample time to offer responses.

Choosing the right time to conduct your questionnaires

The best approach to conduct a questionnaire is the middle of the week in precisely the middle of the day. In terms of timing, Thursday and Friday are not good days since most respondents will be looking forward to the weekend ahead and therefore may be reluctant to respond. On the other hand, Monday is also not a good day since most people need to catch up on most office tasks, including emails. Respondents may not have enough time to fill your questionnaires.

If the questionnaires are to being sent as email surveys, the best time is early morning or early in the evening during the week. This is mainly because most people do not check their personal emails while at the work place. Therefore the only time such respondents have to check their personal emails is either in the evening after work of early in the morning. The weekend is another appropriate time slot since most respondents are free and will most likely use this time to check and respond to their personal emails.

Timing is critical for the success of questionnaires therefore, when conducting surveys, companies should observe the best time to administer questionnaires and when they are to be sent out to respondents since this will result in higher response rates. This is mainly because the main aim of companies is to achieve maximum responses.

Some Benefits of using questionnaires

  • Investigating patterns, ease, frequency and success of use.
  • User expectations, needs, priorities, perspectives, and preferences.
  • The satisfaction of users.
  • Shifts in user opinions and attitudes
  • Relevance of services and collection to users.
  • Investigating trends.

Evidently questionnaires are a great means of collecting data that help investigate various aspects of an organisation. Therefore, choosing the right time to conduct your online questionnaires helps ensure that the respondents start and finish the questionnaires. This is a vital aspect of every survey so that analysis from the decision can be used to make proper and effective decisions.


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