25 Quick-start Seminar Survey Questions

Last updated on
September 15, 2023
Seminar participant raises her arm to ask a question.

Capturing post-seminar feedback can yield invaluable insights that not only appraise the effectiveness of your event but also guide future planning. Devising a comprehensive questionnaire is vital for collecting meaningful data, with a well-crafted training survey opening up avenues for understanding your audience better, honing the quality of your seminars, and making each event more impactful than the last.  

Here you'll find 25 questions divided into five main areas for feedback: participant satisfaction, venue and logistics, learning outcomes, networking opportunities, and areas for improvement. Addressing each of these can provide you with detailed feedback from your attendees, and a balanced range of opinions and constructive criticisms.

Example seminar feedback questions

Participant satisfaction

1. How would you rate the overall quality of the seminar? (Scale of 1-5)

2. Did the seminar meet your initial expectations?

3. Was the event well-paced, with adequate time for each section?

4. Were the speakers knowledgeable and engaging?

5. Would you recommend this seminar to a colleague or friend?

Venue and logistics

6. Was the venue easy to locate?

7. How would you rate the cleanliness and comfort of the venue? (Scale of 1-5)

8. Were you satisfied with the audio-visual setup?

9. Was the sign-in process swift and straightforward?

10. Were there sufficient facilities, like restrooms and refreshments?

Learning outcomes

11. Did you acquire new knowledge or skills during this seminar?

12. Were the topics discussed relevant to your professional or academic interests?

13. How would you rate the usefulness of the handouts or materials provided? (Scale of 1-5)

14. Did the seminar offer actionable insights?

15. Was the Q&A session helpful for enhancing your understanding?

Networking opportunities

16. Did you find ample chances to network with other attendees?

17. Were the breakout sessions beneficial for networking?

18. Did you make any meaningful professional contacts during the seminar?

19. Was there an opportunity for one-on-one interaction with the speakers?

20. Would you like to see more networking activities in future seminars?

Areas for improvement

21. What was one aspect of the seminar you found lacking?

22. Was there a topic you wish had been covered but wasn't?

23. Do you have suggestions for future speakers or panellists?

24. Would you prefer shorter, more focused sessions, or longer, more comprehensive ones?

25. What additional features or formats would you like to see in future seminars?

Use our seminar feedback questionnaire

To get started capturing feedback, consider using our seminar survey template. Including 10 common questions, it can be used as is or adapted to your needs.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.


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If you would like more information then please get in touch.