30 Handy Secret Santa Survey Questions

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September 6, 2023
Secret Santa gift sitting on the desk of an office worker.

So, you're the designated elf in charge of your workplace's Secret Santa event? We wish you every success! And as that success will hinge on careful planning and, most importantly, understanding the needs and wants of co-workers, we're here to help. To this aim, staff surveys can serve as the ideal tool for collecting this information, ensuring the event is a hit rather than a holiday hiccup.

Below you'll find 30 essential sample questions to make certain you've got all your bases covered and help shape your Secret Santa event into a joyous and memorable affair. These cover six key areas to make certain you've got all your bases covered; participant willingness, budget limitations, gift preferences, dietary restrictions, event logistics, and anonymity preferences (plus some bonus ideas thrown in).

Making the effort to gather input from everyone involved will not only promote inclusivity but also makes for a smoother, better executed and more enjoyable experience. After all, the ultimate aim of any Secret Santa event is to spread cheer and strengthen bonds among colleagues. So go ahead, get your survey out there, and let the festive fun commence!

Example Secret Santa questions

Participant willingness

1. Would you like to take part in this year's Secret Santa?

2. If you're not interested, would you mind sharing why not?

3. Have you participated in a Secret Santa event before?

Budget limitations

4. What is the maximum amount you're willing to spend on a gift?

5. Are you comfortable with a minimum budget to ensure gift quality?

6. Would you prefer everyone to have the same budget, or should it be flexible?

Gift preferences

7. Do you have a preferred type of gift (e.g., tech gadget, book, home décor)?

8. Are there specific items you'd like to avoid receiving?

9. Would you like to include an option for experience-based gifts like event tickets or vouchers?

Dietary restrictions

10. Do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies we should be aware of?

11. Are you open to receiving food or drink as a gift?

12. Would you be interested in receiving a 'food hamper' type of gift?

Event logistics

13. Would you prefer the gift exchange to be in-person or virtual?

14. Do you have a preference for the date and time of the gift exchange?

15. Are you open to having the event during a weekday lunch break?

Anonymity preferences

16. Would you like to keep your Secret Santa anonymous, even after the gift exchange?

17. Would you prefer a big reveal at the end of the event to identify gift-givers?

18. Are you comfortable with small hints or clues about your Secret Santa during the lead-up to the event?

Extra questions

Given that we have six key areas and are aiming for 30 questions, here are additional questions that could fit into any of the categories above:

19. Would you be interested in a themed Secret Santa?

20. Are you open to contributing to a pooled fund for bigger gifts?

21. Do you have any colour preferences for gifts?

22. Would you like a DIY gift option?

23. How important is gift-wrapping to you?

24. Would you be open to re-gifts or second-hand items?

25. Would you like to add a 'wish list' option?

26. Are there any local shops or businesses you'd like to support with this event?

27. Should the event be combined with other holiday celebrations (e.g., office party)?

28. Do you have any suggestions for making the event more sustainable or eco-friendly?

29. Would you like an option for charitable donations instead of gifts?

30. Any additional comments or suggestions for the Secret Santa event?

Use our Secret Santa template

Use our Secret Santa survey to start capturing participant feedback quickly. Pre-populated with 18 common example questions, you can use it as written or adapt it to your own needs. And if you have a party to organise, consider using our Christmas party survey template too.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.


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