Recent Updates

Response Table Updates

Launched on
July 6, 2023

We've made some improvements the Response Table, making it easier to view your response data and view with your responses.

The response table provides an alternative view of your responses, making it easier to view response by status (Completed, Disqualified, Partial and Save & Continue) as well as by group based on filters.

You can also add custom columns to display information from your contact list or custom variables to make it easier to find responses.

The table allows you to either select responses individually or in bulk to delete or force complete partial responses.

As a result of feedback over the last 12 months, we've made the following design changes:

  • The response table is now wider to make it easier to navigate the data columns
  • The horizonal scroll bar is fixed at the bottom of the screen, so no need to scroll all the way to the bottom to scroll horizontally
  • You can now adjust the width of the sidebar to better accommodate different types of response
  • You can skip to the next response in the table using the left and right arrows without needing to close and re-open the sidebar

We'll be continuing to work on updates to this page over the next couple of months. Improvements such as being able to include answer data and survey progress in the table, ability to include partial responses in filters and the ability to add notes and tags to responses are being considered.

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If you would like more information then please get in touch.