Market Research

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Man conducting secondary research from a range of sources
Secondary Research: How It Can Supplement Primary Research And Surveys
December 8, 2023
Secondary Research: How It Can Supplement Primary Research And Surveys

By focusing on the analysis and interpretation of existing data and information collected by others secondary research offers a quick and invaluable source of insights. We explore it in more detail.

Marketing team making decisions to update their marketing strategy
Marketing Surveys That Maximise Your Decision Making
November 1, 2023
Marketing Surveys That Maximise Your Decision Making

For marketers, knowing exactly how your customers view your brand and what improvements you need to keep them happy and buying more is vital. We show how different surveys can help your marketing.

Getting concept designs ready to test out with survey respondents
Concept Testing: Exploring Surveys And Best Practices To Improve Your Product Launch
September 19, 2023
Concept Testing: Exploring Surveys And Best Practices To Improve Your Product Launch

Many new products fail due to a lack of preparation prior to launch. We investigate how to avoid this and maximise your success by using surveys for concept testing.

Thinking about the sample size for your next piece of research
What Is Convenience Sampling?
July 11, 2023
What Is Convenience Sampling?

For times when random sampling isn’t possible or practical, a non-probability sampling approach like convenience sampling can be hugely beneficial. We explore everything you need to know about it.

Man leading new product research session
Product Research: How Surveys and Closely Related Methods Can Help
May 25, 2023
Product Research: How Surveys and Closely Related Methods Can Help

Whatever move you’re looking to take, there is always an element of risk in product development, which is why the product research stage is so important.

Picture depicting the importance of a brand to a business
Branded Surveys: Why They Are Worth Running For Your Business
April 13, 2023
Branded Surveys: Why They Are Worth Running For Your Business

When it comes to the adage of ‘not judging a book by its cover’ this sentiment in many cases no longer rings true, particularly in business.

Desk research ready for longitudinal study
What Is a Longitudinal Study?
November 4, 2022
What Is a Longitudinal Study?

When it comes to conducting surveys, generally you’ll be looking to get a snapshot view of the feelings of a group of people at single point in time.

Getting ready to manually calculate a survey sample size
Determining Sample Size
September 28, 2022
Determining Sample Size

When it comes to your survey it’s nearly always impossible, or at least impractical, to collect data from all the people or items that you’re interest...

Research team monitors real time responses from a consumer panel
What Is A Consumer Panel?
April 12, 2022
What Is A Consumer Panel?

Whether you’re trying to launch a new product or reposition your brand, or better assess consumer opinion and buying behaviour. No matter what sort of...

Supporting marketing activities with surveys
Surveys In Marketing
March 30, 2022
Surveys In Marketing

For your business to be successful, there’s no substitute for getting to know your audience and their wants and desires.

Professionals carrying out competitive analysis
What is Competitive Analysis?
July 8, 2021
What is Competitive Analysis?

When it comes to business none of us operates in a vacuum.

The Benefits of Online Survey Technology for Market Researchers during Covid-19
May 21, 2020
The Benefits of Online Survey Technology for Market Researchers during Covid-19

Following the Market Research Society’s announcement that all face-to-face research should cease and the government’s subsequent lockdown to contain t...

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