25 Enlightening Instructor Survey Questions

Last updated on
October 19, 2023
Female instructor demonstrates hairdressing techniques during a training session.

By implementing carefully-crafted surveys, educators large and small can amass invaluable insights into teaching styles, classroom environments, and course organisation, enhancing educational outcomes as a result. The aim is straightforward: identify strengths and pinpoint areas for refinement to elevate the overall learning experience.

One important area to look at is the performance of the instructor or facilitator of your training. And so, to help you build your own instructor evaluation survey, here we list 25 example questions across five key areas to investigate, any of which can be incorporated into your questionnaire. The areas we touch on are teaching effectiveness, engagement and interaction, course organisation and planning, subject knowledge, and perceived professionalism and fairness.

By analysing the responses to these queries, educational institutions can identify avenues for constructive change, thereby fostering an enriched learning environment for students and the educators themselves.

Example instructor survey questions

Teaching effectiveness

1. Does the instructor explain concepts clearly and concisely?

2. Is the instructor effective in breaking down complex topics?

3. Does the instructor use varied teaching methods (lectures, discussions, hands-on activities)?

4. Do the instructor's teaching methods aid your comprehension of the course material?

5. Does the instructor summarise key points effectively at the end of each lesson?

Engagement and interaction

6. Does the instructor encourage student participation during lessons?

7. Is the instructor approachable for clarification and further discussion?

8. Does the instructor respond adequately to questions raised during class?

9. Were you comfortable expressing your opinions in the training?

10. Does the instructor use real-world examples to make lessons more engaging?

Course organisation and planning

11. Are the course objectives clearly outlined and communicated?

12. Are course materials (e.g., handouts, slides) well-organised and easy to follow?

13. Do assessments align with the course objectives?

14. Is the course material presented in a logical sequence that facilitates learning?

15. Are additional resources provided to support further learning?

Subject knowledge

16. Does the instructor display a strong command of the subject matter?

17. Does the instructor stay updated on current trends and knowledge in the field?

18. Is the instructor capable of addressing questions beyond the scope of the syllabus?

19. Does the instructor integrate recent research or developments into the course?

20. Does the instructor effectively apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios?

Professionalism and fairness

21. Is the instructor punctual and well-prepared for each lesson?

22. Does the instructor manage classroom behaviour effectively?

23. Are grades assigned in a transparent and fair manner?

24. Does the instructor offer constructive feedback on assessments?

25. Is the instructor respectful and unbiased in interactions with students?

Use our instructor survey template

Get up and running quickly with our sample instructor evaluation survey template. Pre-populated with 15 example questions, it can be used as presented or edited to meet your needs. Or alternatively, browse our collection of template training questionnaires.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.


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