30 Helpful Hotel Feedback Survey Questions

Last updated on
August 29, 2023
Close up photograph of a hotel reception counter bell.

In the hustle and bustle of hotel management, guest satisfaction remains the cornerstone of enduring success. To tap into the minds of your customers, a well-structured hospitality survey can serve as an invaluable tool, letting you explore multiple parts of your guests' experience. In doing so you not only acquire insights to act upon immediately, but also foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Collecting incisive feedback is not merely a box-ticking exercise but a crucial way to better grasp the nuances of guest satisfaction. Through the careful use of a tailored survey, you open a channel for constructive dialogue and unearth opportunities for meaningful refinement. To help you get started, we've listed a range of questions designed to scrutinise 6 distinct areas of your hotel offering. Capturing feedback on any of these can help you keep your finger on the pulse, make the requisite adjustments, and pave the way for an elevated guest experience.

Example hotel feedback questions

Quality of service

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the professionalism of our staff?

2. Were you greeted warmly upon arrival?

3. Did housekeeping attend to your room adequately?

4. How timely was the response to any queries or concerns you raised?

Room comfort and cleanliness

5. How would you rate the cleanliness of your room upon arrival?

6. How comfy did you find the bed and pillows?

7. Were all in-room appliances functional during your stay?

8. Did the room temperature meet your comfort levels?

Facilities and amenities

9. Did you utilise any of our facilities such as the gym or swimming pool?

10. How would you rate the cleanliness of these areas?

11. Were the amenities up to date and well-maintained?

12. Were the opening hours of these facilities suitable for you?

Food and beverage options

13. Did you dine at our on-site restaurant?

14. How would you rate the variety of menu options?

15. Were the prices of meals and drinks reasonable?

16. Were any dietary restrictions or requests satisfactorily accommodated?

Overall value for money

17. How would you describe the overall value you received for the price paid?

18. Were there any surprise charges or fees added to your bill?

19. Did you feel you received adequate value from any packages or promotions?

20. Would you consider our hotel to be a budget, mid-range, or luxury establishment based on your experience?

Location and accessibility

21. How convenient did you find our hotel's location?

22. If used, was public transportation easily accessible from our hotel?

23. Did our on-site parking meet your needs?

24. Did you find the surroundings to be safe and tranquil?

Additional queries

25. Did you face any issues that went unresolved during your stay?

26. Were there specific amenities or services you wished we offered?

27. What was your primary reason for choosing our hotel?

28. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our hotel to a friend or colleague? (scale of 1 to 10, 1 being 'Not at all likely', 10 being 'Extremely likely') - read about using Net Promoter Score

29. What was the standout aspect of your stay with us?

30. Do you have any other comments, compliments, or concerns you'd like to share?

Use our hotel survey template

Get up and running with our hotel feedback survey template. It comes with 18 sample questions, and is ready-to-use or adaptable to meet your specific needs.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.


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If you would like more information then please get in touch.