30 Informative Exit Interview Questions For Students

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September 5, 2023
A group of students take a selfie as they leave at the end of their studies.

For educational establishments striving for growth, gathering data from departing students is a useful and often insightful exercise. Exit interviews present an opportunity to receive genuine, unfiltered feedback that can not only pinpoint what's working well but also shed light on less effective areas of the student experience. Well-structured education surveys are powerful tools for bettering educational delivery and outcomes.

By honing in on different facets of the student experience, they can unearth invaluable insights. This can fuel refinements and foster a more enriching academic environment for future generations of students.

By focusing on a variety of aspects we can aim for a fuller understanding of the student journey. With this in mind, below you'll find example questions covering subjects including academic matters, campus amenities, support services, social elements, financial considerations, and students' sense of their future readiness. These sample questions should give some inspiration of what to ask to capture feedback you can use.

Example student exit questions

Academic experience

1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the overall quality of teaching?

2. Was the course material relevant to your intended career or field of study?

3. Did the instructors offer timely and helpful feedback on assignments?

Campus facilities and resources

4. Were library resources adequate for your academic needs?

5. Did you find the recreational facilities to be well-maintained and accessible?

6. Were campus facilities accessible for students with disabilities?

Student support services

7. Were academic advisors helpful in guiding your course selection?

8. Did you utilise any mental health services? If so, were they beneficial?

9. How would you rate the effectiveness of the career services office in assisting with job placements?

Social experience and campus life

10. Did you participate in any extracurricular clubs or societies?

11. Do you feel the campus promotes an inclusive and diverse environment?

12. Were there ample opportunities for social engagement beyond the classroom?

Financial aspects

13. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the overall value for money of your education here?

14. Were you aware of available scholarships and financial aid?

15. Were tuition and fees clearly communicated at the outset of your academic journey?

Future prospects and career readiness

16. Do you feel that your courses equipped you with skills relevant to your future career?

17. Were there opportunities for internships or work placements during your studies?

18. Do you feel academically prepared for the next stage in your career or education?

Additional question ideas

19. What was your favourite aspect of your educational experience here?

20. What one thing would you change about your time spent at this institution?

21. Did any particular faculty or staff member make a significant positive impact on your experience?

22. Were you satisfied with the balance between theoretical and practical learning?

23. Did you feel safe and secure on campus?

24. Was communication from the administration clear and timely?

25. How could the institution better support your mental well-being?

26. Was the application process for financial aid straightforward?

27. Would you recommend this institution to a friend or family member?

28. What additional resources or support do you wish were available?

29. How could the campus better support diversity and inclusion?

30. Are there any additional comments you'd like to share for improvement?

Use our student survey templates

To get started, browse our range of example education surveys, such as the student satisfaction survey template and sample graduate exit survey. Each template is ready-to-use or can be adapted to your unique needs.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.


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