Customer Experience

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Picture depicting the delivery of a great customer experience
Customer Experience: Exploring The 5 C’s Driving This Successful Strategy
November 14, 2023
Customer Experience: Exploring The 5 C’s Driving This Successful Strategy

The ability to deliver a great customer experience is crucial for success, as it’s not only what you sell, but how you treat customers and make them feel. We show how the 5 C’s are vital to this.

Marketing team making decisions to update their marketing strategy
Marketing Surveys That Maximise Your Decision Making
November 1, 2023
Marketing Surveys That Maximise Your Decision Making

For marketers, knowing exactly how your customers view your brand and what improvements you need to keep them happy and buying more is vital. We show how different surveys can help your marketing.

Man shows his satisfaction after interacting with a customer success team
What Is Customer Success?
October 24, 2023
What Is Customer Success?

With more options available to customers than ever before, the need to stand out from competitors has become vital. We show how to gain a competitive edge with a customer success program.

Customer centricity is at the heart of the unified customer experience approach
Unified Customer Experience: What Is It? And What Are Its Business Benefits?
October 5, 2023
Unified Customer Experience: What Is It? And What Are Its Business Benefits?

Customers no longer solely judge products and services on their price and performance but every experience they’ve had with that product or service. That’s why unified customer experience is crucial.

Picture showing how you can increase your sales with ongoing customer feedback
Customer Surveys: How They Can Help Boost Sales
September 28, 2023
Customer Surveys: How They Can Help Boost Sales

When it comes to sales and business success, building, maintaining and growing a customer base is crucial. Yet it’s difficult without ongoing feedback. We show how customer surveys can boost sales.

Customer service staff handling customer calls
National Customer Service Week: Ways To Show Your Appreciation To Staff
September 26, 2023
National Customer Service Week: Ways To Show Your Appreciation To Staff

Despite the growth of technology and automation, the need for human empathy and communication remains crucial. We show how to maintain it by supporting your staff with surveys and other initiatives.

Picture illustrating why feedback is so crucial to your business
Closed Loop Feedback: Why It Matters To Your Business
September 8, 2023
Closed Loop Feedback: Why It Matters To Your Business

Your customer experience is one of the most important areas for your business, including how you close the loop on feedback. Read on to discover more about why this matters to your business.

Picture depicting how the user experience and customer experience can impact a user during their product journey with a business.
Customer Experience Vs User Experience: Why The Difference Matters
August 8, 2023
Customer Experience Vs User Experience: Why The Difference Matters

Customer experience and user experience are among today’s most popular business concepts. We reveal how understanding the differences between them is vital to make the improvements you need.

Man using ticket management system to handle a support call
Ticket Management Systems: Maximising Their Effectiveness Through Surveys And Metrics
July 26, 2023
Ticket Management Systems: Maximising Their Effectiveness Through Surveys And Metrics

When it comes to improving your service delivery, your ticket management system is crucial. So, you need it to be performing as well as it can be. We show how ongoing survey feedback can help this.

Man reporting his customer satisfaction in an SMS survey
Customer Satisfaction Vs Customer Loyalty
July 21, 2023
Customer Satisfaction Vs Customer Loyalty

While customer satisfaction measures a customer's attitude towards a product, service, or brand, customer loyalty focuses on the behaviours and attitudes that demonstrate loyalty. We explore both.

Picture depicting the importance of identifying pain points before you can work to resolve them.
Customer Pain Points: Identifying And Resolving Them
June 23, 2023
Customer Pain Points: Identifying And Resolving Them

If you’re to retain and attract new customers, you need to be able to identify and resolve customer pain points. We show you how.

Picture showing how satisfaction levels can improve through surveying customers
Maximising The Value Of Your Customer Satisfaction Survey
June 6, 2023
Maximising The Value Of Your Customer Satisfaction Survey

For many CX-focused organisations, the customer satisfaction survey is the go to tool for gauging customer sentiment. We explore how to maximise value from this survey type.

Picture depicts the importance of always putting your customer first
Customer Centricity: Why It Matters To Your Business
May 19, 2023
Customer Centricity: Why It Matters To Your Business

Customer-centricity is all about putting your customers first. We investigate why it’s so important for your business and how to develop a customer-centric strategy.

Picture depicting the evolving nature of the customer lifecycle
The Customer Lifecycle: Stages, Metrics and Measurement
May 4, 2023
The Customer Lifecycle: Stages, Metrics and Measurement

Successful organisations focus on building long-term and mutually beneficial customer relationships. But this can only be achieved when you understand the customer lifecycle.

Woman in support team striving to deliver a great customer service
8 Ways To Improve Your Customer Service
March 30, 2023
8 Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

Whether you're a manager of a call centre or the head of a support desk team, it’s important you’re doing everything you can to make your service as good as it can be.

Picture depicting various touchpoints customers can use to communicate with a business
Why Having A Customer Experience Management Strategy Matters
March 8, 2023
Why Having A Customer Experience Management Strategy Matters

In today’s marketplace your business success is about so much more than purely the quality of your product or your pricing.

Sending your business some love
This Valentine’s Get To The Heart Of What Your Audience Loves
February 10, 2023
This Valentine’s Get To The Heart Of What Your Audience Loves

While many couples will be using the opportunity of Valentine’s Day, to reacquaint themselves with what they most love about one another, it can also...

Picture of smiley faces for happy customers
Customer Happiness: Why It Matters And How To Measure It
February 1, 2023
Customer Happiness: Why It Matters And How To Measure It

How happy are your customers? Do you know how contented they are with your products, services and support?

Another satisfied customer
6 Ways To Measure Customer Satisfaction
January 25, 2023
6 Ways To Measure Customer Satisfaction

Savvy business leaders enhance customer satisfaction by tracking several mission-critical key performance indicators (KPIs).

A thank you message is another way to get to know your customers
Get To Know Your Customers Day
January 18, 2023
Get To Know Your Customers Day

There has never been a better time to get to know your customers. And the statistics back this up:

Using CX metrics to measure customer experience
Investigating Customer Experience Metrics That Matter
January 9, 2023
Investigating Customer Experience Metrics That Matter

It’s crucial to be able to measure your customer experience. This is because if you don’t know how easy, satisfying and enjoyable your customers find...

Image depicting the building blocks of trust
How To Measure Trust
January 3, 2023
How To Measure Trust

As humans we’re hardwired to connect with and trust others. In fact, without this we would struggle to survive as a species, as we rely on trust in or...

Dial showing how you can work to change customer engagement levels
Measuring Customer Engagement
December 7, 2022
Measuring Customer Engagement

No matter what type of business you run, a major determinant of your success will depend on the strength of your customers’ relationship and emotional...

Photo highlighting the importance of better understanding your customer needs.
Why It's Important To Understand Customer Needs
November 23, 2022
Why It's Important To Understand Customer Needs

One of the most important factors for business success, is the ability to address customer needs. Yet, you’ll only be able to do that effectively if y...

Inviting customers to leave feedback
Types Of Customer Feedback
November 9, 2022
Types Of Customer Feedback

With today’s highly competitive landscape and better-informed consumers, customers expect to receive a seamless, high quality customer experience (CX)...

Customer service team working to deliver a great customer experience
How To Measure Customer Service
October 28, 2022
How To Measure Customer Service

Nearly every business wants to be known for providing a great customer service. Not only does this make you feel good, but it can be a great different...

Female customer leaving feedback
How To Ask for Feedback from Customers
October 19, 2022
How To Ask for Feedback from Customers

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. So, it pays to keep them happy.

Feedback's the key to managing customer expectations
How To Manage Customer Expectations
September 30, 2022
How To Manage Customer Expectations

Given how important customers are to your business success, being able to understand and manage their expectations is crucial.

Balloons depict happy customers
Customer Satisfaction Metrics
August 2, 2022
Customer Satisfaction Metrics

With statistics demonstrating that for every customer complaint you receive, there are another 26 who are unhappy but choose to remain silent, the lik...

Emojis depicting satisfied customers
How Do We Measure Customer Experience? 
June 20, 2022
How Do We Measure Customer Experience? 

Given the state of today’s marketplace where customers and not sellers have all the power, keeping your customers loyal and content is crucial.

Team working on a customer experience strategy
How To Develop A Customer Experience Strategy
May 17, 2022
How To Develop A Customer Experience Strategy

Having got to grips with what a CX strategy is in the first part of our CX exploration, including how to measure customer experience, why it matters a...

Staff working together on a CX strategy
What Is A Customer Experience Strategy?
May 5, 2022
What Is A Customer Experience Strategy?

From product differentiation and pricing strategies to cross selling, improving customer service and more. There are many strategies businesses can em...

Another satisfied customer
Why Measure Customer Satisfaction? 
April 29, 2022
Why Measure Customer Satisfaction? 

To answer this question, you need to get back to basics and think about what’s most important to your business. And this begins with your customers.

Showing we use the tools to improve our customer experience
What Is Net Promoter Score?
March 15, 2022
What Is Net Promoter Score?

Keeping customers satisfied and loyal is a key aim for businesses everywhere. The belief being the more satisfied and loyal they are, the greater your...

Visualising the touchpoints in your customer's journey with you
What Are Customer Touchpoints?
March 8, 2022
What Are Customer Touchpoints?

No matter what type of business, or industry you operate in, your customers will typically go through a series of steps and interactions during their...

Individual starting their customer onboarding process
What is Customer Onboarding?
January 14, 2022
What is Customer Onboarding?

When it comes to relationships, we all know the importance of creating a great first impression. Just consider all the people you’ve ever met and how...

Working together to get single customer view
Single Customer View
December 7, 2021
Single Customer View

In today’s digital age organisations have more information about us than ever before. They are also continually looking for new ways of gathering more...

Smiley face showing a great customer experience
Omnichannel vs Multichannel: Why It Matters for CX Surveys
November 4, 2021
Omnichannel vs Multichannel: Why It Matters for CX Surveys

While many of us will be familiar with the term customer experience (CX) and its importance to driving brand loyalty and revenue, our understanding of...

Helping customer loyalty with good customer service
Measuring Customer Loyalty
July 28, 2021
Measuring Customer Loyalty

Wouldn’t it be great if after making their first purchase, more of these same customers kept returning to your business?

Developing a More Human Approach to Customer Support
July 20, 2021
Developing a More Human Approach to Customer Support

With today’s ever more competitive marketplace, it’s no longer enough for businesses to rely solely on product quality and the right price to stay com...

What Is Customer Experience?
November 11, 2020
What Is Customer Experience?

Modern customers no longer base their loyalty solely on price or product, but rather the experience they receive from a company, the ability for organ...

5 Customer Questions That Can Deliver Real Value For Your Business
June 30, 2020
5 Customer Questions That Can Deliver Real Value For Your Business

Over the last few years the importance of customer experience and satisfaction has grown significantly. Many organisations even consider it to be more...

Improving Customer Experience With Surveys And Customer Feedback Loops
January 31, 2020
Improving Customer Experience With Surveys And Customer Feedback Loops

Considering that 79% of customers are more likely to make another purchase from a company that provides them with a good experience, it makes sound bu...

Top Tips to Better Measure Customer Satisfaction
October 1, 2019
Top Tips to Better Measure Customer Satisfaction

Unsatisfied customers can be extremely costly to your business. According to a recent study up to 80% of customers would be prepared to switch compani...

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