Ask Questions Your Way

SmartSurvey gives you the tools to ask the right questions the way that works for you, making it easy for you to get the answers you need.
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Over 20 question types to choose from

Over 20 question types, encompassing popular questions such as NPS®, CSAT, CES, semantic differential, and free-form multiple choice, matrix, free-text, dates, continuous sums and more. Whatever you need to ask, we make it easy to ask it.

Style and format your survey content

Question content can be easily formatted using a WYSIWYG Editor to add styles and links to your questions. This makes it quick and easy to highlight key information in your questions, add links to supporting documents, or other media.

Add images and video

Images can be easily uploaded to your SmartSurvey File Library, and then inserted into your question content. YouTube videos can be added via embed tags, and you can link to external web resources (opening in a new tab or window so your respondents don't lose their place). It's simple to make sure your respondents have everything they need to answer effectively.

Searchable drop-down

If you've got a very long list of fixed options that you want a respondent to choose from, then the new “Searchable Drop-Down” option means you can have a question with up to 1000 options where the drop-down menu automatically completes and filters the options down to match what the respondent enters in a text box.

Logic, branching, and piping

Skip Logic and Piping can make your survey more personal to your respondents by using the answers they give to control survey behaviour. You can direct your respondents on a path through your survey that bypasses irrelevant content, and show respondents tailored survey content based on their answers or other variables, making your survey unique to that respondent.

Verification and validation

If you're collecting data, you need to make sure it's in the right format, so free-text responses can be validated to make sure they're of a certain length in words, in characters, that they're an email address, or that they're a number between a range you specify.

Explore our paid plans to unleash the full potential of SmartSurvey

Our survey software is user friendly yet packed full of advanced features. Find out how our platform can deliver the results you need.


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