How is NPS® Calculated?

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How is NPS® Calculated?

Screenshot of our NPS calculator tool

Trying to work out the calculation to your Net Promoter Score® survey can seem a little daunting at first, but with the right explanation, tools and formulae, you’ll soon understand how to calculate this and get the answers you need.

Calculating your NPS

Your Net Promoter Score is calculated by working out the difference between the proportion of promoters and detractors, to generate a score of between -100 and 100.

How you calculate NPS will depend on the size of your data set, as there are number of approaches you can take:

A simple manual calculation:

You need to subtract the number of detractors from the number of promoters, which will leave you with a positive or negative number.

You then need to divide that answer by your total number of survey responses and multiply that by 100.

The number you get, rounded to the nearest whole number, should be between 100 and –100.

NPS excel formula:

For a larger data sets, which would be more time consuming to calculate manually you can work out your NPS with the following single spreadsheet formula:


Paste this into Excel or Google Sheets (or other spreadsheet), and just replace [Data] with the data range in your response spreadsheet that has the NPS answers in it.

Then simply run the formula and your score should appear right in front of you.

Net Promoter Score tool:

With more survey providers offering tools to work out your NPS, it’s becoming easier than ever to calculate.

If you’ve already captured your responses you can use our free NPS calculator to work out your score.

For customers on our Business plans and above we’ve built a tool into our Net Promoter Score question that will collect data that’s automatically processed to show you the correct score via our reporting tools.

More about NPS

Get started with NPS

To start capturing your Net Promoter Score, sign up to SmartSurvey or speak to our sales team.

NPS®, Net Promoter® & Net Promoter Score® are registered trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company and Fred Reichheld.

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